
175 this morning. Let's see what happened yesterday.
I had a pretty controlled day. At lunchtime I was at a good 87. I had an egg salad sandwich with a clementine. 4 units of Novolog. Good. Hungry at 3pm and had a low-carb yogurt. Still good.
The kids came home from school and decided they wanted English Muffin pizzas (yum!) so I thought I would join them. Been a little hungrier lately. So I check and I'm at 94. I should probably just wait until dinner (as the d-guy on my shoulder wispers in my ear). I take two units of insulin (too little - you'll see). My little guy only wants half so of course I still make a whole and eat the other half along with one I intended to eat. At 7pm I'm at 202 (see) so I take 5 units of Novolog to cover the high and my typically healthy weekday meal. I eat meatloaf, green beans, salad with cheese and 1000 island (yum again). I notice that the carbs are pretty low. I figure I'll have a little something later to cover the inevitable low.
Well got busy with the nightime routine and, sure enough, feeling a little funky. 41 at 9pm!!!!! As Kerri's dictionary states this is an "official scary number". But then I went crazy. What's the diabetic dictionary term for this? How about "Feeding Frenzy". I had six Thin Mint cookies, a handful of Fritos, and probably three servings of peanuts. Total carb count somewhere around 58 grams. Not the 15 grams and wait 15 minutes. I told you I went crazy. I rationalize that with a drop that I just experienced I probably still have some active insulin that might cover some of the carbs.
Checked before bedtime and was at at 147. A little high. My Novolog pen doesn't deal with half doses so no way to correct. Too afraid to take one whole unit before sleep. So I went to bed and hoped for the best.
You see the results: 175 this morning
Trying not to kick myself too much. Don't have too many lows and that hungry feeling was too powerful. I'll be better today. =)
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