Hey, just found your blog. Welcome to the wonderful world of diabetes <--insert heavy sarcasm.
Are you only on Novolog right now or are you on a long-lasting insulin as well? I was reading about your struggles with banana bread and honestly, if you go on Lantus or the pump, you can have pretty much whatever you want (pizza and Chinese food are problems for my daughter, but she still eats them once in a while).
I don't think you should have to deprive yourself of things just because you have diabetes. Granted, you have to be more careful than non-d people, but you can still eat banana bread and that horrible Polish donut thing ;-) if you really want to. Not all the time, of course, but then no one should be eating like that all the time.
I'd discuss Lantus and/or pumping with your endo. Both are much more flexible as far as dosing goes and you don't have to be on such a schedule and rigid diet plan.
I am not on the pump (yet) and only taking Novolog. I see my endo at the end of this month. She had suggested the pump but wanted me to figure out the shots first. We'll definitely be discussing the morning highs.
Last night I had an outing with some friends and there was pizza, salad and a little cheese danish and I was not sure how much to take since I had already had a light early dinner with 4 units of Novolog...I ended up taking another 4 units later (to ward off too much insulin at one time) but was 181 when I hit the hay and 162 this morning. I think I should have just skipped the extra food...but like you said deprivation shouldn't be a part of this new lifestyle.
I'm a wife and mom of three great kids...ages 12, 10 and 8. I work full-time from home. I was diagnosed with Type 1 in March, 2005. Trying to figure out this disease and how to incorporate it into our busy lives.
At 8:52 AM,
Major Bedhead said…
Hey, just found your blog. Welcome to the wonderful world of diabetes <--insert heavy sarcasm.
Are you only on Novolog right now or are you on a long-lasting insulin as well? I was reading about your struggles with banana bread and honestly, if you go on Lantus or the pump, you can have pretty much whatever you want (pizza and Chinese food are problems for my daughter, but she still eats them once in a while).
I don't think you should have to deprive yourself of things just because you have diabetes. Granted, you have to be more careful than non-d people, but you can still eat banana bread and that horrible Polish donut thing ;-) if you really want to. Not all the time, of course, but then no one should be eating like that all the time.
I'd discuss Lantus and/or pumping with your endo. Both are much more flexible as far as dosing goes and you don't have to be on such a schedule and rigid diet plan.
At 9:30 AM,
sweetsnomo said…
Hi Julie,
I am not on the pump (yet) and only taking Novolog. I see my endo at the end of this month. She had suggested the pump but wanted me to figure out the shots first. We'll definitely be discussing the morning highs.
Last night I had an outing with some friends and there was pizza, salad and a little cheese danish and I was not sure how much to take since I had already had a light early dinner with 4 units of Novolog...I ended up taking another 4 units later (to ward off too much insulin at one time) but was 181 when I hit the hay and 162 this morning. I think I should have just skipped the extra food...but like you said deprivation shouldn't be a part of this new lifestyle.
Thanks for visiting.
At 9:46 AM,
sweetsnomo said…
Hi again Julia (oops, sorry to have called you Julie in my first response...)
I tried to reach your blogspot and it said I didn't have access on this server...
Oh and thanks for the warm welcome :o)
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