Spring Cleaning (My Health)

Well we had a taste of spring here the other day with warm weather...it got me into the "spring cleaning" mood. I've since dusted the ceiling fans and blinds. I've also been vacuuming under furniture, on top of doors and reaching high for those cobwebs that swing in the breeze.
While I was doing this I was thinking a lot about how I concentrate a lot about the external environment that I live in. How much attention have I been paying to my internal environment? Obviously I've paid more attention in the past year since I was diagnosed but probably not as much as I should.
I think it was the initial shock of diagnosis and then the subsequent stages (denial, anger, depression and, finally, acceptance) that I've gone through that have prevented me from entering into my new lifestyle with a "gung ho" attitude. Kind of like taking baby steps through each process. Dipping my toes in and testing the water before jumping in. I guess this is the good thing about the honeymoon phase and the fact that I wasn't too out of control at the time I was diagnosed (no DKA or ketones). Also, the docs started me on Glyburide (ala type 2) then switched to insulin after six months with a new diagnosis of type 1.5 (or LADA).
I intend to "spring clean" my inner self - both mind and body - so I can live a healthier, long life. If those Cleveland brothers (Bob and Gerald) can live for 70+ years with this disease with all the hard work they had to do over the years with boiling and sharpening needles and testing urine by boiling it and treating it with chemicals...I feel that I can make a better go of it.
Well I better go test and have a nutritional lunch. I'll also try to get the cobwebs out of my brain by doing a crossword puzzle. Happy (early) spring!
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